You can expect a high demand on these first-come-first-serve camper spots, so please be sure to register early. This March, Swim Like A. Fish is offering 1, single-session day camp at the Mary T Meagher Aquatic Center in Louisville, KY. This Camp session is available to swimmers ages 9+ years old!
- Dates: March 23rd, 2025
- Age Group: 9+years old
- Gender: Coed
- Camp Type: Day
- Check-in: ALL Campers: Check-in Daily, between 12:00-12:30PM at the Mary T Meagher Aquatic Center.
- Check-out: A group wrap-up will mark the end of the session each day. Campers will be picked up from the pool at 3:00PM EST.
- Day Schedule: 15 minute introductions, 15 mins warmup, and 2 hours of instruction + filming on Start and Turn Technique. This includes regular Top Starts, Backstroke Starts, Flipturns, Open Turns, and IM Transition Turns!
- Camp Details:
- Technique Focus: Swimmers will learn and practice explosive Top Starts to maximize power and speed off the block, along with Backstroke Starts that emphasize proper positioning and streamline for a seamless entry. For Turns, we’ll break down the mechanics of fast, efficient Flipturns and Open Turns, focusing on minimizing drag and maintaining momentum. Additionally, IM Transition Turns will be covered – teaching athletes how to make smooth, quick switches between strokes to maintain pace and rhythm.
- Video Analysis: Each Camper Will Receive A Personalized Video Review To Pinpoint Areas For Improvement And Monitor Progress Throughout The Camp. These Videos Will Be Emailed After The Camp For Participants To Keep And Revisit!
- Custom Drills and Skills Training: Each Swimmer Will Be Guided Through Tailored Drills And Skills Training Designed To Match Their Current Ability Level And Individual Goals!
- Dryland Training: Dryland Warm-Up Exercises And Customized Supplemental Dryland Routines Will Be Recommended For Each Athlete To Enhance Their Freestyle Stroke!
- Camp Challenges and Races: Friendly Competitions and Races to Apply Newly Acquired Skills in a Fun and Supportive Environment.
- Q&A with Coaches: Opportunities for Swimmers to Ask Questions and Receive Personalized Advice from Head Coach, Abbie Fish.
Mary T Meagher Aquatic Center
201 Reservoir Ave.
Louisville, KY 40206
The coaching staff will participate in the day camp activities only. Drugs, alcohol and tobacco are strictly prohibited, and constitute, along with general misconduct, grounds for dismissal from camp without a refund.
- Instruction: Daily Camp Sessions
- Supervision: Daily Camp Sessions
- Ratio: 1:10 staff-to-camper ratio
- Groupings: Campers are sorted by age, ability, and experience upon registration
- Equipment Needed: Please bring your water bottle, swimsuit, swim cap, googles, towel(s), sandals/flip flops, snorkel + fins (optional), and dryland gear (running shoes, t-shirt, athletic shorts, sweatshirt).
- Facility: Mary T Meagher Aquatic Center
- Medical Protocol: Most camps have a lifeguard on-site to help with illness or injury. In case of an emergency, campers will be transported to the nearest hospital.
Make sure to complete the signed waiver, photo release, and camper registration forms. To view your account, receipts, and proof of purchase – you will login to your newly created account on that you made during the checkout process.
If there are any imperative changes prior to camp start, registered campers will be notified via email and this webpage will be updated! All necessary camp information is on this page.
- Signed Photo Release Forms and Waivers (forms must be printed and turned in daily at start of each camp session).
Camp Schedule:
- Daily: Campers should arrive in their dryland clothes with suits on underneath, ready to swim at 12:15PM!
Transportation is not provided. Campers are responsible for getting to and from camp on their own. There is no supervision before or after camp hours so please make arrangements to pick up your child on time.
All camps are non-refundable unless you email a cancellation request to [email protected] no later than 24 hours prior to the camp start time. A written and signed excuse from a doctor is required. For more information regarding our cancellation policy and other company policies, please visit our SLAF Policies webpage.