This week, we are going to take a quick break from our Toe series and discuss my recent weekend travels! Do not worry—our Toe Series and Shoulder Pain will be back NEXT week for Part II. Definitely stay tuned!
Let’s get started…
Last Friday, I traveled to San Francisco, California hosting a video analysis clinic with The Bay Club Panthers! Within 3 days, I traveled to 5 different sites–hosting 7 different clinics! It was a crazy busy weekend (including lots of time in the car—Bay Area has some serious traffic), but overall–it was extremely rewarding experience! Thank you, Bay Clubs for having me out!
Within those 3 days, I worked with 50+ swimmers (including triathletes, masters, and age-group swimmers)! All of these athletes were at varying ability levels.
I began each session by introducing myself, explaining what we were going to do, and asking a few questions. One of the first questions out of my mouth was whether they had ever their stroke analyzed before—not a single athlete said yes.
I followed up that up with another question—how many had their stroke (video) recorded before? Approximately 5% of the all athletes I worked with said yes.
With the majority of the world being visual learners, those answers were pretty astonishing to me. Recording a video of their swimmer, every coach can do (thank you iPhones). But the analysis of the strokes can get more complicated—that’s where Swim Like A. Fish comes in.
Asides from the feedback given in-person to each athlete this weekend, I plan on taking the recorded files and composing an individualized movie file for each swimmer. The file will include my analysis, notes, tips, and tricks to help improve their swimming technique. This file is something they will be able to keep forever AND use as a bench mark against future analyses. Improvement is shown through comparison—it is not a 1-time private lesson deal.
Take a peek into our clinic below:
Once again, thank you to the Bay Clubs for having me out this past weekend. It was nothing short of amazing. Special shout-out goes to Roman Willets and Bobby Savoulich for organizing it all (Go Blue–as they would say).
If you are interested in having a video analysis clinic done with your club, email [email protected] with your request!
As far as to how to make a PANTHER swim fast, I think we might have done that this weekend–5% were exposed to video feedback, now try–100%! Go Panthers!
Until Next Time,
Abbie Fish