Stuck in quarantine? Yeah, me too. I was actually just writing a social media post when it dawned on me that there are many swimming coaches out there SCRAMBLING to try and figure out what to do for their swimmers. It was almost like a lightbulb went off in my brain, because I was like — wait, I could LITERALLY write this blog in under 10 minutes as I work online everyday and have used my FAIR share of online programs, so here’s my take on what I think every swimming coach should be using/doing during this quarantine time!
Let’s dive in
The key during quarantine is to keep YOUR swimmers active and connected. With this, most coaches have hopped onto the virtual dryland train. In case you don’t have any dryland classes setup for your swimmers, I’m actually offering a free, daily class to anyone above the age of 10: Register Here!

To do drylands or any sort of ‘virtual class’, you need a solid platform — so here are my recommendations on programs!
The 5 Swimming Coach Must-Have’s
1.) Zoom
If you haven’t familiarized yourself with Zoom yet, now’s the time. Zoom is basically Skype on steroids and allows you to connect with multiple people at once. Zoom also allows screen sharing, commenting, and other nice features like — keeping your meetings private with a secure link if you want. You won’t be experiencing any ‘spamming’ within the Zoom platform!
Also, one of the greatest things about Zoom is they have a FREE version, that you can host meetings up to 40-minutes long with up to 100 people FOR FREE! Check out Zoom, here!
2.) Youtube
Want to learn how to change the oil on your car? Play guitar? Learn French? If you haven’t figured out by now, that you can LITERALLY learn anything on Youtube — it’s a big day for you. Youtube is changing the way the world is accessing information, and you can literally find ANYTHING you want on Youtube at the click of your finger tips.
Coaching videos, tutorials, exercise sets are GALORE on this platform. You can easily use this platform as an educational tool for yourself and/or one to connect with your swimmers on!
3.) Instagram/Facebook
Oh, social media. I know there’s TONS of coaching out there that hate social media. I know it’s not everyone’s jam, but it does really help in times like these to stay in contact with your swimmers. If you haven’t launched a Team Facebook or Instagram account, now’s the time. You can post fun challenges for your swimmers, tips, and little videos to say hello to your kiddos while in quarantine.
4.) Perfect Video Editor
Unsure how to create fun, little videos that your swimmers will eat up? Download Perfect Video for Android. I found this app is really easy to learn and you can create short Instagram or Facebook videos for your swimmers very quickly and easily. Also, best part — it’s only $5!
5.) Canva or Over
Now, we are getting into the nitty gritty of social media — but hey, we are all here to learn from each other, right? Need to create a picture or video with a overlay of text on it? It’s not as easy as it seems. While iOS has made some major improvements, you still don’t get the full effect of fonts and styles within iOS’s current operating system so consider downloading Canva or Over to create cool graphics and videos for your swimmers while in quarantine.
The cool part about this time in quarantine is all the skills you develop as a coach during this time are skills you will take with you within next season. If it takes you 5 hours to create your first video, the next one will take you 4, then 3, then 2, etc.
Did you know it actually used to take me 6 hours to write ONE blog post when I first started blogging online? It’s been 12 minutes and counting as I type this one out. It’s crazy what practice does, right? After all, we are all the biggest proponents of that 😉
Until Next Time,
Abbie Fish
5 Responses
This is really nice .
Thank you!
Thank you, very helpfull
You’re so welcome!